

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bad Luck Brian Is???

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Bad Luck Brian is an image macro series featuring a photo of a blonde teenage boy wearing a plaid sweater vest and braces, accompanied by captions that describe a variety of embarrassing and tragic occurrences.

On January 23rd, 2012, the first Quickmeme submission was uploaded with the caption “Takes driving test / gets first DUI” (below left). It was subsequently posted to Reddit where it received less than 5 up votes. Later that day, another macro was posted to Reddit with the caption “Tries to stealthily fart in class / shits” (below right) which reached the front page of the /r/adviceanimals subreddit accumulating over 3,300 up votes in less than 2 months.

On March 19th, this instance was reposted to humor site 9gag where it received more than 48,000 likes within 24 hours. The same post was subsequently pinned on the social photo sharing website Pinterest the same day. Later that month, additional collections were hosted on Buzzfeed and Funny or Die.
The series has continued to spread on sites like FunnyJunk, Tumblr and the /r/adviceanimals subreddit. As of June 2012, the Quickmeme page has received more than 104,047 submissions. Several Facebook pages have also been created for the character, with the largest having more than 29,000 likes and the second having more than 24,000.

Identity Revealed

On April 11th, 2012, a Redditor claiming to be Bad Luck Brian attempted to do an AMA thread in the Ask Me Anything subreddit, but the thread was removed. The moderator who removed the post left a lengthy comment explaining why, which received more than 35,000 downvotes, making it one of the most downvoted comments on Reddit of all time. Redditor coyotecarl came back on May 8th with an AMA thread on the Advice Animals subreddit. The post received 24,722 upvotes and 2017 points overall.

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jangan lupa buat ninggalin komen yaa....

boleh kopas kok.. tapi kasih link ke yaa...

terima kasih kunjungannya... :)